Winter Jam Sponsorship Information
Direct any questions to Stephanie Carswell at: stephaniecarswell3@gmail.com. She will be in touch with your team about day of logistics. Please read through the information carefully and let us know if you have any questions.
Youth Leader Reception:
If your sponsorship package includes an insert in the Youth Leader Gift bag, you must provide 200 inserts per sponsored date. You may include two items, one being a printed item and the other a gift. We strongly encourage including a gift. These bags are put together on-site the day of the event to be distributed at the Youth Leader Reception that evening. In order for your insert to be included in the bag, your inserts must be hand delivered to the Local Sponsor Coordinator the day of the show. For Thursday and Friday show, please arrive by 4pm. For Saturday and Sunday shows, please arrive by 3pm. Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee your inserts will be included in the gift bag if they arrive late.
Guest Passes and Entry:
In your sponsorship agreement with Winter Jam, you received a pre-determined number of Guest Passes. Guest Passes allow holders to enter the venue through the designated Guest Entrance (marked with a red flag and near the Jam Nation entrance at each venue) sixty (60) minutes prior to the general doors opening. Winter Jam cannot guarantee admission of Guest Pass holder’s once general doors open due to local venue and Fire Marshall regulations. We recommend guests arrive two hours prior to general door admission time to assure admission.
Your Guest Passes can be held under one name (and you can distribute them to your guests) or you can submit a detailed list of names to Stephanie Carswell.
We allow each sponsor to have a team of 3-4 people who can enter the building early to help work the components of your package (ie. Set up booth, pass out flyers, etc). These people are not counted as part of your Guest Passes. Guest passes are for other family, friends, business associates, etc.
Premium Sponsors will receive two backstage passes. Those will be given to your team upon arrival.
Flyer Distribution:
If your sponsorship agreement includes passing out flyers/literature at Winter Jam, the following policies apply:
• Flyers are at the sponsor’s expense
• Sponsor and/or sponsor volunteers are responsible for passing out the flyers
• Flyers can be distributed outside of the venue prior to the general doors opening
• Once general doors open, flyers can only be distributed from your booth on the concourse until the show ends
• Following the show and official dismissal of the crowd, you may pass out flyers at the venue exits taking great care not to slow or impede the flow of traffic.
• All flyers are to be approved by Winter Jam
• If you or your volunteers fail to abide by these rules, you will be asked to stop flyer distribution.
Concourse/Booth Space:
If a concourse space is included in your sponsorship package, the following rules apply:
• You must coordinate an arrival time with Stephanie Carswell to ensure your booth is completely set up before the doors open.
• Concourse placement is determined solely by the Winter Jam Concourse Manager and you will be directed to your space upon arrival by the Local Sponsorship Coordinator or a Winter Jam staff member.
• Your display must not exceed the width of your table and is subject to venue rules governing placement, etc. You will receive one 8 foot table upon arrival. Please bring with you a table cloth, extension cord if you need power and anything else you may need for your table. Winter Jam does not provide any other materials.
• You agree not to hold Winter Jam, NewSong or any of their affiliates or employees responsible for lost, stolen, or misplaced items, including, but not limited to, displays, supplies, personal items, products, etc. The venue is not completely secured and you will take precautions to secure your valuables.
Payment Instructions:
If you have not already received an invoice, you will receive one for your sponsorship via email shortly. Please arrange to have your payment received before your event date.
Video and Logo:
Video Specs: 1920 1080 .mov
High Resolution Logo (preferably a png with no background)
If your sponsorship package includes a video, you can elect to upload the video now by clicking HERE.
To assure your video is received and processed for your show date, please be sure to upload the video file NO LATER THAN Tuesday at midnight the week of your sponsored date.
Thank you again for your partnership. We are excited about the event and look forward to serving you.
Winter Jam Sponsorship Team